Choose your exam prep Course

Organized & Concise. Empowering students with the best learning experience.

Evaluating Exam Course
  • Master Concepts In 130+ Topics Integrated Into Learning Modules

  • content created in-line with latest pEBC syllabus

  • Qbank of 3400+ exam-style questions

  • In-depth explanations to Questions

  • Engaging Video Lectures and Growing!

  • Unlimited Mock Exam Generator

  • Unlimited Support Throughout Your Entire Prep

  • Immediate Access To All Content Upon Sign Up

  • Plus all core features below


MCQ Course
(Qualifying Exam Part 1)
  • Comprehensive review of 120+ topics integrated into learning modules

  • All content created based on pEBC Competencies

  • Qbank of 3000+ exam-format questions

  • In-depth explanations to Questions

  • Engaging Video Lectures!

  • Unlimited mock exam generator

  • Immediate access to all content upon sign up

  • Expert canadian licensed pharmacist instructors

  • Plus all core features below


OSCE Course
(Qualifying Exam Part 2)
  • 8 weekly classes with case-based role play

  • 2 Full - Length Mock OSCEs in OSCE facilities

  • Access to over 200+ cases, more than any other course

  • Major focus on minor ailments

  • Learn how to properly communicate, utilize references and fully solve All types of cases

  • Detailed feedback after each case from a canadian licensed pharmacist


  • Real OSCE simulation process

  • Each OSCE has 10 interactive and 3 non-interactive stations - JUST LIKE THE REAL EXAM!

  • Standarized patients in all stations just like the real exam!

  • Learn how to properly communicate, utilize references and fully solve All types of cases

  • Detailed feedback after each case from a canadian licensed pharmacist

1 mock exam - $450
2 mock exams - $850
4 mock exams - $1600

Full Course Core Features

Unlimited full - length practice exam Generator

Generate a full length 200 question practice exams using the same question distribution as the real exam.

Custom quiz filters

Quiz filters allow you to take each quiz in ‘study mode’ or ‘exam mode’ and filter by all the questions in the quiz or only questions you previously answered incorrectly or haven’t answered yet.

Randomized Answer Choices

The question bank shuffles the answer choices to every question ensuring you never ‘just memorize’ the correct choice. Everytime you see the question the answer choices are randomized to help achieve competency of the concepts tested.

performance Analysis

Advanced analytics allow you to easily visually track your completion by module and topic. breakdown of your top individual weaknesses and strengths of are shown in the performance section to help you review those areas.

Ace the calculations

250+ questions including a summary of the required formulas ensuring all calculations on the exam are answered correctly. Key for success!

detailed rationales

Concise and comphrensive explanations to each question ensure you learn concepts and not just memorize the answer. Instead of providing pages on pages of information that you probably wont read, we provide you with the high yield learning points to maximize your preperation.


PrepSCORE is a powerful tool that calculates your overall readiness across all topics examined weighted according to the real exam. Know if you are ready before the exam and don’t waste valuble attempts.

Representive testing interface

The testing interface mimics the real exams with all the same features on each quiz and mock exam including highlighter, on screen calculator, strikeout, split screen for case-based questions, timer and more!

Search bar

A quick and convienant search bar allows you to quickly visit any chapter without having to navigate through the modules looking for content.

Pick up where you left off

“Pick up where you left off” tab allows you to seamlessly resume your studying from any topic when switching between devices or starting a new study session.

100% mobile friendly

Our smart platform can be accessed on any device. It looks and feels just like an app without needing to download anything!

Ask a pharmacist anything, anytime

You’ll never feel alone or lost. Our team sticks with you every step of the way. If you have questions, we have answers.